Tips for Disposing After a Disaster

Tips for Disposing After a Disaster

The West Coast is prone to a few different types of natural disasters. This includes earthquakes, mudslides, floods and fires. Although no one ever wants to be a part of one, things happen and you may find that your home has been damaged due to a natural disaster. The aftermath of one of these events can be very difficult, and one thing you’re bound to run into is the need to dispose of anything that was destroyed from the disaster. Here are some things to consider as you prepare for the disposal of items that were damaged during a natural disaster.

Do Not Burn Debris

The first tip you need to know after you are disposing of your belongings after a disaster is to never burn debris. While it might seem reasonable and fast to pile up your destroyed furniture, linens or other items, do not burn them! Burning goods can impact air quality, cause another disaster, and in most cases, is illegal if you live in a residential area.

Recycle As Much As You Can

The next tip to keep in mind as you are disposing after a disaster is to recycle as much as you can. Some items in your home, including metal and wood, may be able to be recycled when they are being removed from your home. While you may be in a hurry to get everything out, recycling as much as you can helps the environment.

The first tip you need to know after you are disposing of your belongings after a disaster is to never burn debris. While it might seem reasonable and fast to pile up your destroyed furniture, linens or other items, do not burn them! Burning goods can impact air quality, cause another disaster, and in most cases, is illegal if you live in a residential area. 

Be Mindful of Items That Have Special Disposal Requirements

When you are trying to clean up after a disaster, you may be trying to get damaged items out of your home quickly. In your rush, you may not think about items that have special disposal requirements. Items such as PVC pipe, fuel containers, large appliances, batteries, car oil, household and electronics all need to be correctly disposed of. They cannot simply be thrown in the garbage. Not only can you risk a huge fine if you throw them away, but you can harm the environment. Learn what items have special disposal requirements and dispose of them correctly.

Rent a Large Dumpster to Dispose of Items Quickly

The final tip to follow when you are disposing of items after a disaster is to rent a large dumpster to help you dispose of items quickly. This allows you to get everything out quickly and easily.

Disposing of items following a natural disaster can be a lot of work. You have to get rid of items that you may love or that may have sentimental value. You are also likely tired and emotionally-drained. Here at Debris Box, we are committed to helping in any way we can after a natural disaster strikes in our community. Feel free to contact the staff at Debris Box today if you are unsure about the disposal requirements for certain items or to schedule a disposal dumpster after a disaster.

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